GA to your target, once you reach your target, cancel GA and crouch superjump at the exact same time
The buttons you should be clicking (based on PC default input settings) is shift (GA) → shift again (cancel GA) + ctrl (crouch superjump) AT THE SAME TIME → space (angelic descent)
GA to your target, once you reach your target, cancel GA and crouch superjump at the same time (cancel GA before superjump)
The buttons you should be clicking (based on PC default input settings) is HOLD shift (GA) → LET GO of shift → click ctrl (superjump) ALMOST AT THE SAME TIME (shift before ctrl) → space (angelic descent)
Consider the solution to be:
If you’re still stuck after attempting the possible solutions above, consider finding the map guide video in the Mercy Parkour Code Spreadsheet (Mercy Parkour Codes) to see the intended solution or join the Mercy Parkour Discord (Mercy Parkour Server) to ask for help.