Use crouch then GA almost at the same time, ensuring that crouch comes before GA. Once at your target, click crouch (to superjump).
The buttons you should be clicking (based on PC default input settings) is ctrl (crouch) then shift (Guardian Angel) ALMOST AT THE SAME TIME (crouch slightly before) → once at target, click ctrl/crouch (to superjump) → hold space if needed (angelic descent)
Use crouch then GA almost at the same time, ensuring that crouch comes before GA. Keep holding GA until you’re at your target. Once at your target, click crouch (to superjump).
The buttons you should be clicking (based on PC default input settings) is ctrl (crouch) then shift (Guardian Angel) ALMOST AT THE SAME TIME (crouch slightly before) → HOLD shift (Guardian Angel) → once at target, click ctrl/crouch (to superjump) → hold space if needed (angelic descent)
1- You get more meter charge in a shorter period of time due to the extra distance obtained from the dip at the start of GA and that GA is active longer even once you reach your target - this can help you gain more height/further distance during superjumps
2- You can go navigate under/around obstacles as your body is lower during flight
1- You will not be as close to your target at the end of GA compared to just a normal GA
Consider the solution to be (especially if crouch is disabled):
If you’re still stuck after attempting the possible solutions above, consider finding the map guide video in the Mercy Parkour Code Spreadsheet (Mercy Parkour Codes) to see the intended solution or join the Mercy Parkour Discord (Mercy Parkour Server) to ask for help.