Late Slingshot

Also known as: late slings


Fly to a target. When approaching the end of Guardian Angel, you will see yourself do a slight dip. When you see yourself do a slight dip, click jump

I promise the video will help in understanding more

Video Tutorial


Still Stuck?

Consider the solution to be:

1- Slingshot

2- Late Superjump

3- Cancel GA Bhop

4- Crouch GA Bhop

5- Crouch GA Sling

6- Crouch GA Superjump

7- Cancel GA Sling/Superjump

If you’re still stuck after attempting the possible solutions above, consider finding the map guide video in the Mercy Parkour Code Spreadsheet (Mercy Parkour Codes) to see the intended solution or join the Mercy Parkour Discord (Mercy Parkour Server) to ask for help.